HOLD THE SOUND — Notes On Auditories
Can you hold a sound? This book experiments with giving tangible form to something seemingly immaterial. Within these pages, you will find a collection of thoughts on sound gathered by artists and researchers, each attempting to grasp sound’s fleeting nature through verbal and visual expressions.
What are auditories? The plural of “auditory” emphasizes that there is no one way of hearing, and that hearing is not an isolated activity. For the inaugural presentation of the library, we reached out to artists and writers encountered during our investigations into books on sound. We gathered quotations about auditories that have inspired them. Collected here, they assemble a multitude of voices, offering thought-provoking ideas, introductions, and modes of access to the auditories that concern them.
With contributions by Agus Nur Amal PMTOH, Aio Frei, Alisa Oleva, Andrew Norman Wilson, Ben Rivers, Bertrand Bacqué, Camille Llobet, Daniel
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