
MURS DE L’ATLANTIQUE is research carried out around the Breton territory, which offers a visual dialogue between two phenomena: the remains of the Atlantic Wall — these blockhouses which dot the coast in a heavy and permanent way  — and the free parties, these illegal techno parties, which appear spontaneously in the countryside and on the coasts, before disappearing immediately. Sound walls, fortified enclosures, improvised camps, radicalism of materials, sounds and elements: this project is interested in the ways of occupying spaces – the margins, in this case  – in architecture, whether unalterable or, on the contrary, rudimentary; and at the party, read as a guerrilla operation, allowing a breach beyond any categorization, any control.

By following the coast, by traversing the cross roads and from the figure of the wall, this project comes to question the construction of a collective identity, the feeling of belonging to a community – however temporary – which is lived secretly and illegally. This work retraces seven years of celebrations and excesses.


We have taken the greatest care in its editorial design, the printing method, its different papers and its shaping:

• Text and images  : Julie Hascoët
• Editorial design: Nathalie Bihan and Julie Hascoët
• Graphic design: Nathalie Bihan and Antonin Faurel
• Printing: Gráfica Maiadouro S.A.
• English translation: Guilvic Le Cam

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