
Miman – Stora mängder rymdgrus

Original price was: 15,00€.Current price is: 10,00€.

Miman is following up last years release of Ulme with a record entitled Stora mängder rymdgrus (English: Vast Amount of Space Gravel). 18 months and about 30 concerts since recording Ulme, the band has expanded it’s repertoir and is here heard with an idiosyncratic sound, filled with subtle interaction, common understanding of form and a consistent tonality.

Something is being referred to as cosmic if it’s related to outer space rather than Earth. Miman has always played improvised music, and has developed an interplay that can take the music in many different directions. To clarify the expression of the band, concepts regarding weightless objects and the speed and distance between them, has been important for the creation of inner images that have inspired the music on this record.

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