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30.9 – 1.10.23 / DUE GIORNI / festival allo Spazio Teatro 89

DUE GIORNI – una specie di festival.

Via Fratelli Zoia 89 – Milano
Prevendite aperte su DICE.FM

La collaborazione fra Volume e Spazio Teatro 89 inaugura la propria seconda stagione con un piccolo festival, che si chiama DUE GIORNI, Sabato 30 Settembre e 1 Ottobre: tutto l’impegno profuso è andato nel scegliere e invitare gruppi e partecipanti, evidentemente non nel nome della manifestazione (che parola bellissima: manifestiamoci). Nove artisti, più di quindici amici che porteranno dischi, vestiti, libri e birre, sicuramente qualche sorpresa, sicuramente qualche imprevisto. Nessuna gerarchia, nessun “running order”: vieni presto, vedi tutti, parla con tutti.

Il Sabato comincerà intorno alle 16 e prevede quattro concerti molto, molto speciali, in ordine sparso. Ci sarà Krano, il loner veneto maestro della rarefazione (e della scrittura), che porterà in dono con il suo gruppo il fantasma di un noir nord-orientale, e a contrastare (completare?) tanta malinconia l’incredibile jazz big band acustica Brenti Orchestra. Creatura singolare del jazzista Alessandro Cau, è un ensemble mutaforma che atterra in ogni luogo con musicisti differenti: la migliore delle scuse per vedersi e raccontarsi. E poi c’è anche un debutto assoluto, quello dei Liquami, che sono Tommaso, Giacomo, Luca, Jacopo, e Marco. Non hanno mai suonato prima dal vivo, anche se li avete visti farlo separatamente tante volte se siete andati a vedere Fine Before You Came, Generic Animal, Any Other, Asino, Dummo o Verme. Tutti insieme lo faranno stasera – un po’ cacofonia un po’ ninnananna, tutta sorpresa. Il quarto gruppo del Sabato saranno i Movie Star Junkies, una Festa di Compleanno che è un po’ scappata di mano, qualcuno si è fatto male ma questo non è un buon motivo per smettere di suonare. Punk? Sì. Blues? Pure.

La Domenica si comincia prima: intorno alle 15.00, per non finire tardi.
La primissima parte del pomeriggio sarà affidata a Classical Hooligans, duo di selecter di musica classica che per la prima volta avranno l’onore e le responsabilità di aprire al pubblico la  Fonoteca pubblica di Spazio Teatro 89: oltre 5mila dischi disponibili per consultazione e ascolto. Per confonderci le idee, due one-man-band che più diverse non potrebbero essere: Everest Magma e Giacomo Laser. Il primo con il più recente album Alto/Piano ha regalato uno dei dischi più intensi e stranianti degli ultimi anni, fra folk acidissimo, psichedelia, ambient e l’eccentricità del minimalismo italiano degli anni ‘70. Giacomo Laser interromperà invece la propria carriera dal vivo il 30 Settembre 2023 da qualche parte nelle Marche, per concentrarsi sulla reunion -con se stesso- a partire dall 1° Ottobre: prima data del nuovo tour, oggi. Nessuno, sicuramente neanche lui, sa cosa verrà a “suonare”. Ci sarà spazio anche per due gruppi dall’estero, nella nostra DUE GIORNI: finalmente riporteremo a Milano gli sloveni Širom, trio sloveno di folk immaginario, estremamente locale ed estremamente globale. Il loro più recente album The Liquified Throne of Simplicity ha brillato nelle classifiche di fine anno del 2022 e finalmente possiamo ascoltarlo dal vivo. Dal meglio del 2022 al meglio del 2023: il debutto omonimo di Yalla Miku è sfacciatissimo e convintissimo nel mischiare musiche tradizionali di Africa Orientale e Settentrionale con krautrock, post-punk ed elettronica: uno degli album più energizzanti e puramente creativi di quest’anno.

Siccome più siamo, più ci divertiamo, ecco anche la lunga (e in allungamento) lista di amici che porteranno le cose che fanno, pubblicano o rimettono in circolo:


Infine, DUE GIORNI non è dedicato solo agli adulti. Grazie al neonato progetto SFERA sono in programma anche attività per bambini: musica, movimento e teatro per i più piccoli.

Siamo inoltre certi che accadranno delle sorprese: ma essendo tali, non potremmo dirvele nemmeno se le conoscessimo.

Vuoi chiederci qualcosa?
[email protected]



DOVE DORMIRE? se arrivate da fuori Milano, ecco qualche link di posti fidati dove potete fermarvi a due passi dallo Spazio Teatro 89:

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16.04.23 / DWARFS OF EAST AGOUZA / Ligera – Milano


Via Padova 133 – Milano

Dwarfs Of East Agouza are one of the leading names in ‘outernational’ music globally.
Founded in Cairo by Maurice Louca (Alif, Bikya), Sam Shalabi (Land of Kush, Shalabi Effect) and Alan Bishop (Sun City Girls, The Invisible Hands), the trio has developed a unique and always recognizable sound, changing shape from free jazz to Krautrock to Arabic influences and Egyptian Shaabi music. New album out Spring 2023 on Sub Rosa.

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08.03.23 / HORSE LORDS – Spazio Teatro 89


Via Fratelli Zoia 89 – Milano

Horse Lords in the last twelve years have been welcomed by music critics as one of the most interesting newcomers in the US underground. And rightly so: absorbed air, precise shirts and glasses, the four from Baltimore represent the latest incarnation of “cultured” American rock, which finds godfathers in the minimalism of Steve Reich and Terry Riley, in the 90’s post-rock of Tortoise and Trans AM and countless other “right” influences: Malian blues, polyrhythms, Talking Heads, Don Van Vliet, micro-tonal music, Teutonic stuff between Klaus Dinger, Jaki Liebezeit and Holger Czukay. The sound stratification of the Horse Lords had already managed to break through the international scene with the unsurpassed Interventions of 2016, but in 2020 the band had confirmed itself with The Common Task and in November 2022 it came out with the sensational new Comradley Objects, a beautiful album inspired to principles of collectivism and abandonment of individuality and included in most of the year-end rankings of sector magazines.
Their live at the latest Le Guess Who? it left the audience who crowded the Pandora hall of the Tivoli dumbfounded and was one of the highlights of the prestigious Dutch festival.
Opening Julia Reidy, Australian experimental guitarist based in Berlin.

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Via Fratelli Zoia 89 – Milano

Born in Geneva in 2006 at the instigation of double bass player Vincent Bertholet, the Orchester Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp is initially a sextet (“a rock group with marimba” as Bertholet defines it) whose name intends to pay homage to African orchestras and Dada art together. A Third World and ecological spirit, and a programmatic reluctance to gender schemes, conventions and labels. It was in 2016, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the project, that the decision was made to expand the band to the XXL format, which will obviously be on our stage this evening: double rhythm section, double bass, two marimbas, cello, violin, wind instruments, guitars . Everyone sings.
Their latest album “We’re ok but we’re lost anyway”, released in 2021 for Bongo Joe Records, was greeted by a real ovation, and also mentioned by Gilles Petterson as one of the best things released last year year.
The network of artistic references for the Orchestra is impressive: The Ex, Stereolab, New Orleans fanfares, African polyrhythmic orchestras, minimalism and spiritual jazz.
But it is live that this collective, elastic and elusive, captures and captivates, shows off a miraculous creativity, especially in asphyxiated and suffocating times like these: irresistible rhythms, songs with a circular pace that grow in a riot of harmonies, timbres and colors, sharp, surreal and poetic texts, a blaze of sound that with inexorable precision moves and moves, dances and excites.

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ORA D’ARIA con laura agnusdei.

Laura Agnusdei is a musician from Bologna (IT) who a few months ago released a beautiful album called Laurisilva. More than a record, an ecosystem to be explored, made of hybrid and fascinating sounds, which mix wind instruments, electronics, experimentation and dreamy atmospheres in a harmonious and never predictable way.
We met a couple of years ago when she payed inside VOLUME, it was the tour of her previous album Night/Lights. That evening we also watched Profondo Rosso. We had planned a presentation of Laurisilva at VOLUME in April but it could not be done and therefore laura packed this ORA D’ARIA keeping in mind what it would have been: a path through the music and the sounds that influenced Laurisilva’s creation.


Bjork – Virus
Nicolas Gaunin – WhatU
Amadou et Mariam – Je pense a toi
Charles Mingus – Group Dance
Akazéhé par Deaux Jeunes Filles (Burundi Musique Traditionelles recorded by Michel Vuylsteke)
Herbie Hancock – Rain Dance
Laura Agnusdei – Jungle Shuffle
Charles Cohen – Cloud Hands
Roberto Musci – The Ups and Downs of Chewing Gum
Senior Service – Sunny Sidro feat. Kaili
Hibotep – Acid Dairiah
Flying Lotus – Satelllliiiiite
Martin Denny – The Enchanted Sea
Duke Ellington – Didjeridoo
Nuri – 9roov
Daisuke Tanabe – Pinebee
Mario Swagga and DJ Sililia – Party la Uhakika (Epic Party

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ORA D’ARIA con maurizio abate.

Our big friend and favourite guitarist Maurizio Abate has compiled a wonderful ORA D’ARIA. These are the words he used to describe it.

To compile this playlist I have drawn exclusively from the Ocora catalog, French label founded in 1957 by musicians Charles Duvelle and Pierre Schaeffer who focuses its research
on sounds and music from the world. I have always been impressed by the technical quality of the recordings on these records and by the care in choosing the tracks. This further selection of mine tries to trace a hypothetical travel itinerary that starts from Italy and reaches the Far East through Europe and Asia. Over time my interest in music from the world turned out to be a search for more common traits
that of formal differences, it always amazes me to find timbres, melodic intervals, rhythmic solutions and similar structures in music from different parts of the planet and from distant times.
The wind and reed instruments, the chordophones, the percussions and the voices that you will hear, can lead us to reflect on the cultural, historical and social contexts that have shaped the forms of
these fascinating music and their social, spiritual and community function, perhaps directing us towards an exoticism that can flatter our ego as western people of Modern times.
Personally I am aware that I was born and raised in that part of the world that has produced colonialism and which made its method of exploration, labeling and hegemonic archiving of human phenomena.
However, at every listening these music, albeit through the mechanism of reproduction technique and separated from the rituals within which they are often generated, offers the
possibility of an ecstatic experience, the archetypal power of Sound, origin of everything, activates us, heals us, leads us to different states of consciousness and reminds us of how the tension to transcendence and the search for communication channels with the Eternal are fundamental components in the Man-Sound relationship, always and forever.
Happy listening.


01. Pasturali – Italie, Musiques populaires (folk music of Sicily)
02. Atje te ura ne lume – Albanie, Pays Labë. Plaintes Et Chants D’Amour
03. Peupliers a3 – Yougoslavie 2, Macédoine – Polyphonies Tosques – Sous Les Peupliers
De Bilisht
04. Sándor csoóri – csárdás from the palóc country – Hongrie, Le Dernier Passage
05. Koledarska pesen- na stopanin (christmas carol) – Bulgaria, Traditional Singing
06. Teke zortlatmasi – Turquie, The Baglama of the Yayla
07. Dashti – Iran, Les Maitres De La Musique Traditionnelle, Vol. 2
08. Luth – qar kokoi baatar – Mongolia, chants kazakh et tradition epique de l’ouest
09. Lalayaran – Java, pays sunda musiques savantes
10. Naghmehe Kashâl en Raga Yemen – Afghanistan. Rubab and Dutar
11. Floating Petals Decorating the Green Leaves – China, Music of the Pipa
12. Drum Beating in Praise of Shenrab – Tibet, Traditions Rituelles Des Bonpos
13. Bailo – Japon_ Gagaku
14. Nho Nang (Thinking of His Beloved) – Vietnam, Poems & Songs

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ORA D’ARIA con alberto boccardi.

a few days before the lockdown, we were planning a VOLUME presentation of Alberto Boccardi’s new album, CAIRO PRIMO, just released for Oltrarno Recordings. it would not have been a real live but a set in which Alberto would have had to select some music and sounds that inspired the record, alternating with some of his tracks. that never happened but alberto has however released CAIRO PRIMO, which is a great record of electroacoustic beauty and is out now, and has mixed this ORA D’ARIA that will bring you far away and tells a lot about his Egyptian “parallel life”.
You can check, listen and buy CAIRO PRIMO here.


Lullaby – Wang Chung – To Live and Die in LA – Geffen Rec
Quite Nervousness – Manuel Gottsching – E2-E4 – Inteam GmbH
Kebogiro Glendeng – Will Guthrie – Nist-Nah – Black Truffle Records
Domata 1331 – Land of Kush – Sand Enigma – Constellation Records
Nexus on the Beach – Roberto Musci – Tower of Silence – Music from Memory
I – Alberto Boccardi – CAIRO PRIMO – Oltrarno Recordings
In Girum Imus Nocte – Stefano Pilia – Decay Music n2: In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur Igni – Die Schachtel
Barene – Upperground Orchestra – Euganea – Morphine Records
Superstart – Claudio Rocchi – Suoni di Frontiera – Die Schachtel/repress
Isis – Sam Shalabi – Isis & Osiris – Nashazphone
Egypt Strut – Sun Ra & Salah Ragab – Sun Ra Arkestra meets Salah Ragab in Egypt – The Golden Years of New Jazz
Bitter Balls – Karkhana – Al Sal3awa – Unrock
Virtual Feels/Passing Twelve – 1127 – Tqaseem Mqamat El Haram 2016-2019 – Nashazphone
Chaos Controlled – 3Phaz – Three Phase – 100 Copies
VII – Alberto Boccardi – CAIRO PRIMO – Oltrarno Recordings
Al Kanal – Maurizio Abate – The Maadi Sessions – Backward Records
IX – Alberto Boccardi – CAIRO PRIMO – Oltrarno Recordings

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giro del mondo lowcost.

A journey through different music traditions, rythms and grooves from all over the world, from Zimbabwe to Japan, from Colombia to Indonesia, Ghana, Somalia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka. and many more.


1. Stella Chiweshe – Ratidzo (da Kasahwa: Early Singles)
2. Unknown – Unknown (da Folk And Pop Sounds Of Sumatra Vol.2)
3. I. Soumaoro Et L´Eclipse De L´ I.J.A. – Fama Allah (da Le Tioko-Tioko)
4. Takeshi Terauchi – Ganroku Hanami Odori (da Nippon Guitars / Instrumental Surf, Eleki & Tsugaru Rock 1966-1974)
5. Shan – Anbil Valarnthai (da Sri Lanka / The Golden Era Of Sinhalese And Tamil Folk-Pop Music)
6. Orchestre Abass – Haka Dunia (da Orchestre Abass (De Bassari Togo))
7. Chaino and His African Percussion Safari – The Feast Dance (da Jungle Echoes)
8. Juarta Putra – Pembukaan (extract) (da The Sacred Entertainment: Réak, Ceremonial Horse Trance Music From Priangan)
9. Banteay Ampil Band – Don’t Forget Khmer Blood (da Cambodian Liberation Songs)
10. Os Úntués – Chi bo sa migu di vede (da Léve Léve: Sao Tomé & Principe sounds 70s-80s)
11. Ti L’Afrique – La misère noire (da Soul Sega Sa! Indian Ocean Segas From 70s VOL.2)
12. Dur-Dur Band – Aw Baahilowlow (da Dur Dur Of Somalia ‎– Volume 1 ★ Volume 2)
13. Tom Zé – Ogodô, Ano 2000 (da The Hips Of Tradition – Brazil 5: The Return Of Tom Zé)
14. Los Cumbiamberos De Pacheco – Al Amanecer (da Remolino De Oro: Coastal Cumbias From Colombia’s Discos Fuentes 1961-1973)
15. Los Siquicos Litoraleños – El Tiempo Simultaneo (da Medianos Exitos Subtropicales Vol. 2: El Relincho Del Tiempo)
16. Unknown – Kijom Kijom (da Folk And Pop Sounds Of Sumatra Vol.2)

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ORA D’ARIA con canedicoda.

this Sunday’s ORA D’ARIA is by VOLUME’s big friend Gio Canedicoda.
like everything he creates, and not only as a musician (ottaven, primorje, fantamatres, tambour doux ..), this mix is ​​also a clear and crystalline expression of his incredible imagination, creativity and ability to imagine and reflects on the need for slow down and listen, now.
slow down yellow card.


Burundi >> Sanza Ikembe Avec Voix
Norberto Lobo >> Pen ward
Dean Blunt and Inga Copeland >> 8
James Place >> Sense of an ending
Ritual music of the Kayapò-Xikrin >> Morning twilight: forest and village sounds
Tak Shindo >> Cherry Blossoms
Bellows >> Handcut
Ando Umeko >> Futare chuy
ElpH vs Coil >> Decadent & Symmetrical
Glenn Gould >> Bach: Golderg variations, BWV 988 – Variatio 25 A 2 Clav. Adagio
Giuseppe Ielasi >> 2 (5:14 – untitled 2011)
Michael O’Shea >> Seance of a kondalike (backing)
Piotr Kurek >> Missing Paths
Bola Sete >> Morning rises throught the mist
Giuseppe Ielasi >> 15 tapes
Yasuaki Shimizu >> Umi no ue kara
Songs of the Inuit Iglulik >> Vocal and throat-games “Pirkusirartup”: Nirddlirayartak.
Luc Ferrari >> Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage de printemps (extr.)
Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri Rainforest >> Flute duet
Thomas de Hartmann & G. Gurdjieff >> Borkian Dervish
Gianni Giublena Rosacroce >> Il Sole Della Discordia
Alejandro Jodorowsky >> Burn your money
Spike >> Can you see me

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ORA D’ARIA con everest magma.

since I know him, rella has changed several times. not out of a spirit of adaptation but, on the contrary, to adapt his surroundings to himself. always in focus, never taken for granted, always with a gaze projected towards a parallel dimension. its latest mutation, which occurred a few years ago (but then there are mutations in mutations which is yet another story), is called Everest Magma. last year he made one of the best records of 2019 entitled Minus Plus Escapism, released for Boring Machines, inspired by the salvia divinorum. this mix opens with a track of Zuvuya feat. Terence McKenna inspired by the DMT. ok, this ORA D’ARIA lasts 40 “real” minutes, but it doesn’t matter. if you close your eyes and let yourself be carried away, time and space will no longer make sense.


Zuvuya feat. Terence Mckenna “Dream Matrix Telemetry” (excerpt)
Takashi Kokubo “海底の中の夢”
Yoshiaki Ochi “Madal Sonic”
Black Dice “Endless Happiness” (excerpt)
Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings “Skybells I”
Roberto Musci “Ghost Train”
Psychic TV “Eleusis”
Moondog “Fujiyama 2”
Blind Uncle Gaspard “Sur Le Bord De L’eau”
Mariah “視線”